Dr. Rūta Ubarevičienė

Geographer and sociologist. Analysing global and local spatial processes of the social and economic systems. Expert in socio-spatial change, social segregation and depopulation.


I am a researcher with a background in urban and regional geography as well as sociology. I have successfully defended 2 PhD thesis in these fields. My primary research interests are spatial inequalities, social segregation, internal migration and depopulation. In my research, I specialize in the use of spatial analysis and statistical techniques. Presently, I hold research positions at the Urbanism Department / Delft University of Technology, and at the Department of Regional and Urban Studies / Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. I am a member and Chair of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

Current Projects

PROWD – Proximity without density, 2025 01 – 2027 12

DUT Partnership, Project coordinator: Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Participating countries: Hungary, Italy, Lithuania (led by R. Ubarevičienė), Portugal, Romania.

Ensuring the need for housing: problems and perspectives in Lithuania, 2023 04 – 2026 03

National research project led by J. Aidukaitė

Comparative study of socio-economic segregation in European cities

Coordinated by R. Ubareviciene, M. van Ham & T. Tammaru

Recent Projects

MOOC - Building Inclusive Cities: Tackling Urban Inequality and Segregation, 2020 09 - 2024 12

Co-Developer & Instructor (edX)

EUSOCIALCIT – The Future of European Social Citizenship. Horizon 2020 , 2020 02 – 2024 01

International research project

Peripheral regions in Lithuania: migration and local communities, 2021 09 – 2024 03

National research project led by E. Kriaučiūnas

Occupational change, mobility, and the changing spatial patterns of inequalities, 2022 01 – 2024 12

Estonian Academy of Sciences led by T. Tammaru

Urban Socio-economic Segregation and Income Inequality: A Global Perspective.

The editors: Maarten van Ham, Tiit Tammaru, Rūta Ubarevičienė and Heleen Janssen

Urban Measuring Universality in Social Protection. A pilot study on housing benefits

European Commission, Joint Research Centre

DEPRIVEDHOODS – Socio-spatial inequality, deprived neighbourhoods, and neighbourhood effects. European Research Council , 2017 11 – 2019 08

International research project

Spatial differentiation of adolescent fertility in Lithuania: socioeconomic environment, the role of sexual education and individual experiences. Research Council of Lithuania , 2017 10 – 2019 11

National research project

Urban reconfigurations in post-Soviet space, umbrella-project on Strong and Weak cities Free State of Saxony and the Federal Republic of Germany , 2016 03 – 2016 08

International Research project

Growing urban regions and spatial segregation of their residents in Lithuania. Research Council of Lithuania , 2014 04 – 2016 12

National research project


Ubarevičienė R., Kalm K., van Ham M., Žinys T., Kliimask J. & Tammaru T. (2024). Residential mobility and new forms of spatial inequality in the settlement system: A comparative study of Estonia and Lithuania. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 51(7), 1391-1718.
Cottineau C., Batty M., Benenson I., … , & Ubarevičienė R. (2024). The role of analytical models and their circulation in urban studies and policy. Urban Studies 61(12), 2370-2398.
Ubarevičienė R., van Ham, M. & Tammaru T. (2024). Schelling’s Models of Segregation after 50 years: Bibliometric analysis of the legacy of Schelling and the future directions of segregation research. Cities, 104838.
Kriaučiūnas E., Ubarevičienė R., Baranauskienė V. & Burneika D. (2023). Lietuvos kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių tinklo kaitos tendencijos XXI amžiuje [The trends of change in the rural settlements network in Lithuania during the 21st century], Lietuvos socialinė raida, 12, 53-67.
Aidukaitė J. & Ubarevičienė R. (2022). Measuring Universality in Social Protection: A pilot study on housing benefits, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg., DOI: 10.2760/205855
Aidukaitė J. & Ubarevičienė R. (2022). Assessing housing rights in the EU countries EuSocialCit Working Paper., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6630472
Mohamed A. A., Ubarevičienė R., & van Ham M. (2022). Morphological evaluation and regeneration of informal settlements: An experience-based urban design approach. Cities, 128, 103798.
Ubarevičienė R., Tretjakova V. & Pociūtė-Sereikienė G. (2021) The Effects of Individual and Regional Factors on Adolescent Fertility Rates: The Case of Lithuania. Regional Statistics 11(3), 95-118.
van Ham M., Tammaru T., Ubarevičienė R. & Janssen H. (2021) Rising Inequalities and a Changing Social Geography of Cities. An Introduction to the Global Segregation Book. In van Ham M. Tammaru T., Ubarevičienė R. & Janssen H. (2021) Urban socio-economic segregation and income inequality: A global perspective. Springer Open. Chapter 1, p. 3-27. OPEN ACCESS.
Ubarevičienė R. & Burneika D. (2020). Fast and uncoordinated suburbanization of Vilnius in the context of depopulation in Lithuania.. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies, 44-56.
Burneika D., Ubarevičienė R. & Baranuskaitė R. (2019). Soviet housing estates in Vilnius – socio-ethnic structure and future(-less?) perspectives, in Housing Estates in the Baltics: The Legacy of Central Planning in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, edited by D. Hess & T. Tammaru. Springer.
Gedvilaitė-Kordušienė M., Tretjakova V. & Ubarevičienė R. (2019). Bevaikystė Lietuvoje: tendencijos, normos ir regioninė diferenciacija [Childlessness in Lithuania: Trends, Norms and Spatial Differention]. Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, 18, 96-111.
Tretjakova V., Pociūtė-Sereikienė V. & Ubarevičienė R. (2018). Paauglių kūdikių gimstamumo kaitos tendencijos: Europos Sąjungos kontekstas ir regioninė diferenciacija Lietuvoje [Trends in Adolescent Fertility: EU Context and Regional Differentiation in Lithuania]. Lithuanian Journal of Statistics, 57(1), 41-55.
Ubarevičienė R. (2018). City systems in the Baltic states: the Soviet legacy and current paths of change. Europa Regional , 25(2), 15-29.
Burneika D., Baranauskaitė, A. & Ubarevičienė R. (2017). Social segregation and spatial differentiation of electoral alignment in Vilnius Metropolitan area. Geographia Polonica 90 (2), 87-110.
Ubarevičienė R., & van Ham, M. (2017). Population decline in Lithuania: who lives in declining regions and who leaves? Regional Studies, Regional Science 4 (1), 57-79.
Burneika D. & Ubarevičienė R. (2016). Socio-ethnic segregation in the metropolitan areas of Lithuania. Czech Sociological Review 52 (6), 795–819
Ubarevičienė R., van Ham M. & Burneika D. (2016). Shrinking regions in a shrinking country: The geography of population decline in Lithuania 2001-2011. Urban Studies Research.
Ubarevičienė R. (2016). Lietuvos gyventojų vidaus migracijų teritoriniai ypatumai XXI a. [Territorial features of internal migration of Lithuanian population in the XXI century]. Lietuvos socialinė raida [Social Development in Lithuania] 5. P, 9-24. Vilnius: Lithuanian Social Research Centre
Valatka V., Burneika D. & Ubarevičienė R. (2016). Large social inequalities and low levels of socio-economic segregation in Vilnius, in Socio-economic segregation in European Capital cities: East meets West, edited by T. Tammaru, S. Marcińczak, M. van Ham and S. Musterd. P, 313–332, London and New York: Routledge.
Burneika D., Ubarevičienė R. & Valatka V. (2015). Socio-economic segregation in growing urban regions of Lithuania. Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (4), 277-292.
Burneika D. & Ubarevičienė R. (2015). The economic crisis and development of Vilnius urban region – spatial aspects. Regional and Local development 2 (60), 81-96. EUROREG.
Ubarevičienė R. & Burneika D. (2015). Spatial transformation of the economy in the post-communist period: The case of the Vilnius urban region. Geographia Polonica, 1 (88), 143-157.
Ubarevičienė R., Burneika D. & van Ham M. (2015). Ethno-political effects of suburbanization in the Vilnius urban region. An analysis of voting behaviour. Journal of Baltic Studies, 46 (2), 217-242.
Pociūtė-Sereikienė G., Kriaučiūnas E. & Ubarevičienė R. (2014). Peripheralisation trends in rural territories: the case of Lithuania. Studies in Agricultural Economics 116, 122-130.
Burneika D., Daugirdas V., & Ubarevičienė R. (2014). Migration as a factor of development of the depopulating areas in East EU countries – The case of Lithuania. EUROPA XXI, 27, 79-95.
Ubarevičienė R. (2014). Lietuvos teritorijos apgyvendinimo kaita XXI a.: miestų-regionų formavimasis [The change of the settlement structure in the XXI century Lithuania: city-regions formation]. Lietuvos socialinė raida [Social Development of Lithuania], P. 92-112. Vilnius: Lithuanian Social Research Centre
Kriaučiūnas E., Krupickaitė D., Pociūtė-Sereikienė G. & Ubarevičienė R. (2014). Lietuvos kaimo gyvenviečių funkcijų kaitos regioninės ypatybės [Regional pecularities of rural settlements function change in Lithuania]. Geografijos metraštis 47, 70-87.
Burneika D., Ubarevičienė R., Pociūtė G. & Kriaučiūnas E. (2013). The impact of Vilnius city on the transformation trends of the sparsely populated EU east border region. Etniškumo studijos/Ethnicity studies 2, 50-69.
Ubarevičienė R., Burneika D. & Kriaučiūnas E. (2011). The sprawl of Vilnius city – establishment and analysis of growing urban region. Annales Geographicae 43-44, 98-109.
Burneika D. & Ubarevičienė R. (2011). The sprawl of Vilnius city – some consequences of rural-urban transformations. Annales Geographicae 43-44, 110-117.
Burneika D., Kriaučiūnas E., & Ubarevičienė R. (2010). The problem of research of actors of urban change in post- soviet cities – Vilnius case. Annales Geographicae 43-44, 42-53.


van Ham M., Tammaru T., Ubarevičienė, R., & Janssen H. (2021). Urban socio-economic segregation and income inequality: A global perspective. Springer Open. OPEN ACCESS
Burneika, D., Ubarevičienė, R., Valatka, V., Baranauskaitė, A., Pociūtė-Sereikienė, G., Daugirdas, V. & Krupickaitė, D. (2016). Lietuvos metropoliniai regionai: Plėtros ir segreacijos ypatumai XXI a. pradžioje [The metropolitan regions of Lithuania: Residential differentiation in the 21st century]. Monograph. Vilnius: Lithuanian Social Research Centre
Lietuvos socio-demografinės politikos “Baltoji knyga”. Gairės tolesnės demografinės politikos plėtrai [“White book” of socio-demographic politics in Lithuania. The guidelines for demographic policy]. Co-author. 2016. Vilnius: Lithuanian Social Research Centre & Ministry of social security and labour
Daugirdas, V., Burneika, D., Kriaučiūnas, E., Ribokas, G., Stanaitis, S. & Ubarevičienė, R. (2013). Lietuvos retai apgyventos teritorijos [Sparsely populated areas in Lithuania]. Monograph. Vilnius: Lithuanian Social Research Centre

Featured Books

Urban socio-economic segregation and income inequality: A global perspective
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Cover photo of a book Adolescent mothers in Lithuania: factors, experiences, directions for change.

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